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I wasted a lot of years in indecision…

I come from a long line of worriers and have lived a lot of my life in fear. Fear of getting hurt, fear of making the wrong choice, fear of missing out, fear of the opinions of others. 

That was my youth, right up into adulthood. I was the quiet one, the child that got high grades because I did my work and stayed quiet in class.

I was the one that didn’t make a fuss, didn’t stir things up, and (although my mom may disagree) was one of the ‘easy’ teenagers (okay…my mom and I had the normal run ins sometimes ;)). 

It wasn’t until I went to college in mid 20’s that I started to find my voice. Started to feel comfortable being me, started to break out of my shell.

And this opened up a whole world of thoughts to me. What if going with the status quo, wasn’t me?

Inside I had always desired to break free from my inhibitions and do something big and wonderful with my life…but the fear of failure held me back.

amanda christen

Hi! I’m Amanda Christen,

the failure coach and creator of Crush it! Journal.

Somewhere along the way, I started to shift the way I thought. I began to want to push all my limits and face all of my fears.

I have never been more happy with my decision in my life.

This decision brought me to places like New Zealand, Scotland, Kuwait, Jordan, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Kenya, and Iceland.

It brought me to live, work and explore across my own country (Canada) and the US too.

It allowed me to go ziplining, rock climbing, glacier walking, and deep cave exploring.

It allowed me to work as a spiritual coach, a teacher, and a career coach.

After all this, did fear completely go away? Definitely not.

BUT once I made the choice to not let fear stand in my way, my life became an adventure.

Throughout my life and career, I’ve met so many people that have struggled with the same fear-induced life paralysis.

While they want to be ‘that’ person who goes for it, their fear of failure (making the wrong choice, regretting their decision, looking silly, missing out on other opportunities, etc) stops them from transforming into ‘that’ person they admire.


I’m the coach that helps you embrace failure as a welcome part of your journey to adventure and success!

amanda christen

I help you move away from inaction to celebrating actionable failure and lessons learned.

We celebrate, we learn, then we move into success.

Most people want to hide their failures because they feel guilt and shame over them. But all this does in the end is stop you from getting any results.

Many coaches and programs focus on celebrating wins and successes and leave failures in the dark. 

They try to help you get over the fear of failure with step-by-step actions. By telling you this will reduce your chances of failure.

BUT there will never be enough step-by-step actions to stop fear of failing or to stop failure itself. 

Instead, I teach you to embrace failure as if it’s a welcomed part of your journey to success.

Fearing failure produces mediocre results at best – at worst, no results at all. 

Innovative thinking, trying something new means you need to embrace the fact that failure will happen on the road to success.

I’m here to help you embrace this new way of thinking.. 

Not by ignoring your failures and only focusing on success, but to reframe your mind to embrace and celebrate your failures along the road to success.

Turn Your Failure into a Win!

Yes! You can turn your failures into wins! How often have you put off your dreams because you’re worried you’ll do something wrong? Or you give up because you’re certain you’ll fail again? Or you say mean things to yourself because you ‘got it wrong…again’?

Complete my ‘Failure to Win’ journal to learn how to never make the ‘wrong’ decision again. You’ll celebrate your actionable failures, learn from your attempt and rewrite your ‘failure’ story into a ‘win’ story.

Never be afraid to take action again! Sign up now to get started.