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AMANDA Christen

What if you could learn to celebrate your failures instead of fearing them in the span of just 8 weeks?

Or, let me rephrase that…

What if, in just 8 coaching sessions, you could find yourself free from the dark feelings that failure brings you and instead feel light and motivated to move toward success?

What could you accomplish if failure didn’t scare you? If failure didn’t stop you?

Failure and success come hand in hand, so when you hide from failure, you hide from success. When you embrace failure, you’ll embrace success.

No more inaction.
No more negative self-talk.
No more giving up.

Here’s the problem…

You know that in order to achieve your goals and dreams, you need to get over your fear of failure to keep moving toward success.…

However, you’re constantly doubting yourself and asking questions like:

“What if I make the wrong decision?”

“What if I miss out on another opportunity?”

“What if my dreams never happen?”

“What if I waste time on the wrong thing?”

Can you imagine?

Imagine that failure didn’t make you fall apart.

Imagine that failure didn’t make you think terrible things about yourself.

Imagine that failure didn’t make you give up.

Want to create a thriving business?

Want a passionate relationship? 

Want to level up your career?

Want to live an exciting life? 

Embracing failure will help you to reach success.

If you want to learn how to drop the fear of failure, I have something for you…


Embracing Failure Coaching

with me, Amanda Christen

My one-to-one coaching program moves you away from inaction to celebrating actionable failure and lessons learned.

Here’s how it all breaks down…

  • Get a 1 hour one-to-one online coaching call every week for 8 weeks, so that you can have the accountability and coaching needed to not only face failure with courage, but to welcome it as a learning opportunity. 
  • Journals may be supplied throughout our coaching calls to directly help with a mind block that you are uniquely facing, so that you can do the thought work necessary to break it down.
  • BONUS: Get my ‘Becoming Unstuck’ mini-course for free, so that you craft a clear, passionate vision for the future you most desire.

What makes my coaching different?

Most people want to hide their failures because they feel guilt and shame over them. But all this does is stop you from getting any results.

I help you move away from inaction to celebrating actionable failure and lessons learned. We celebrate the action you took, we learn from what did and didn’t work, then we keep moving forward and find success.

Many coaches and programs focus on celebrating wins and successes and leave failures in the dark. 

They try to help you get over the fear of failure with step-by-step actions… by telling you this will reduce your chances of failure. BUT there will never be enough step-by-step actions to stop fear of failing or to stop failure itself. 

Instead, I teach you to embrace failure as if it’s a welcomed part of your journey to success.

Fearing failure produces mediocre results at best – at worst, no results at all. Innovative thinking, trying something new means you need to embrace the fact that failure will happen on the road to success.

I’m here to help you embrace this new way of thinking… Not by ignoring your failures and only focusing on success, but by reframing your mind to embrace and celebrate your failures along the road to success.

Are you ready to embrace your failures and move into success?

When you enroll today, you’ll get

Interested In Learning More?

If you would like to start coaching with me, then I’d love to chat with you to make sure it’s the right fit for us both! Click the button below to book your first session with me for free

Did Someone Say Bonuses?!

In addition to everything you get with my Failure to Success One-on-One Coaching, I’m offering a bonus to give you a kick start to embracing your failures to find success.

‘Becoming Unstuck’ helps you to craft a clear passionate vision for your future so that you can be confident that the failures and successes you experience are bringing you closer to the life you truly desire.

Nice to meet you!

I’m Amanda and after working as a spiritual coach and, separately, a career coach, I’ve discovered that most people come with their fair share of fear, guilt, and shame around falling short of expectations.  

I know what it’s like to doubt myself, change course, struggle to stick with things, and let my fear of failure stop me from achieving my dreams.

It took me years to get past this and allow room for failures without always breaking down or being a bully to myself because of it. 

I don’t want anyone else to suffer the terrible feelings that come from having a bad mindset around failure. 

No more breakdowns.
No more self-bullying.
No more giving up.

I will help you to never fear failure again and embrace failure as part of the path to success.

I can’t wait to get started with you!


You have questions… I have answers!

How will we connect?

I use Zoom to connect with my clients. But first, I’d love to set up a call to discuss if this is the right fit for you and to schedule a weekly time that fits both our schedules.

How do I get started?

Please fill out the form on this link to set up a time to discuss if my coaching is right for you!

I’m not sure I can afford this.

I know that this may be a big step for you and you want to, of course, feel good about where you’re investing your money. Whether it’s with me or someone else, if you are stuck in inaction due to the fear of failing, then coaching is an important step to get you moving forward. Don’t let your fear stop you anymore, grab hold of what your life could be and take that first step. It starts with a quick call with me to see if it’s the right fit for us both. Click here to fill out the form and get in contact.

I don’t have the time.

Priorities and time management are things we can work on in our coaching calls. What you need to decide right now (because otherwise you’ll keep living your life in inaction) is whether or not you could benefit from having a coach that helps you to move past your fears and into success. What do you want for your life? Is it worth prioritizing it into your schedule? If so, then click this link and connect with me to book a time to meet over a call and decide if it’s right for you.

Still not sure if Embracing Failure to Coaching is for you?

This one-to-one coaching is perfect for you if you are someone that has dreams, but struggles to believe in themselves. 

You doubt your ability to handle the tough times and stress over how to handle failure. 

Failure makes you want to give up, self doubt, and think badly of yourself.

BUT you are ready to give up the excuses, put in the work, and take your life to a whole other level.

Connect with me today to set up your first 8-weeks of coaching!

Move away from inaction to celebrating actionable failure and lessons learned, so that you can navigate into success.